Friday , March 14 2025

Mobile Web Apps (HTML 5 Based)

HTML 5 based Web Apps

The mobile web is now essentially the domain of HTML5 technology!

With the demand for interactive web apps and improved strategies for web development programming on the rise, HTML5 comes as a fruitful solution. It’s close association with CSS and HTML impart a superior look and Javascript defines a classy interactivity together resulting in the creation of mature web applications. The websites developed using HTML5 are easily accessible on the desktop as well as the mobile platform.

At WebSolvant, we believe in following a simple approach yet delivering class one products. We have credible industry exposure in the development of HTML5 based websites since years and now in the mobile space as well. Our HTML5 application development service offer optimum performance and adhere to acceptable client requirements. We follow design and development guidelines as advised by W3C along with the best practices for protection of intellectual property. Our HTML5 application development service not only aims at reducing your expenditure but also generating value for our clients.

HTML5 Mobile Apps Development

If you browse the Web on your phone, iPod touch or other portable wireless device, Congratulations! You’re one of the 450 million mobile internet users and this number is only expected to rise. Most of the internet users today use hand-held devices for browsing surfing purposes and HTML5 is the new face of mobile internet. The easy to handle websites that we use blithely on mobile devices is but a product of HTML5. Along with innovations in JavaScript and CSS, an integration with HTML5 is giving rise to matured web applications. HTML5 is being increasingly used for development of web apps on the cloud as well because it means a one time installation of an app on the desktop or browser. HTML5 is slowly gaining access to device capabilities like native apps. It also makes it easy for developers to design, develop and distribute their HTML5 works across multiple platforms including desktop, Windows phone, iOS, Android and Blackberry.

HTML5 Games Development

HTML5, an ubiquitous markup language is under a rapid evolution phase that invades the software development space at all levels. Its versatility has made it a preferred game development tool for not only web based games but also smart phones and other handheld devices. WebSolvant has a team of talented coders in HTML5 who have immense experience in closely related programming tools like JavaScript. This advantage coupled with an inspiration leverages us to write outstanding games. We fully appreciate the gaming arena out there and create games that are bound to increase their pace of distribution. HTML5 exhibits an open nature which gives a lot of flexibility to as opposed Adobe Flash in terms of access to several additional features like interactivity, graphics, audio, multimedia and most importantly its ability to adapt to multiple devices with minimal changes.

Benefits of using HTML5

The biggest advantage offered by HTML5 is its consistent cross platform compatibility which in turn makes way for improved accessibility to mobile apps built with HTML5. It also offers offline support, via the AppCache and database APIs for storing stuff locally on the device, canvas and video to simplify adding graphics and videos to a page, advanced forms which can handle tasks like field validation on the mobile browser and the GeoLocation API. A clean and structured code with improved semantics HTML5 supports other features like web storage, Document editing, cross-document messaging, browser history management, indexed database API and web SQL database that makes HTML5 a power development tool for mobile application developers as well as web designers.

Hire us for your HTML5 development

HTML5 has emerged as the foundation for all future web development in case of both desktop as well as mobile platform. With the increasing adoption of tablets and handheld devices, customers are now looking to develop customized web applications which perform well on iPads and other mobile devices. WebSolvant build attractive user friendly websites and understand the importance it holds to the end user. Our HTML5 application developers use technologies such as SenchaTouch, JQuery Mobile and JavaScript MVC for developing such solutions. We by combining years of experience in CSS3 and JavaScript along with HTML5, we greatly simplify the development process and create engaging websites. Our HTML5 mobile website developers make sure that the content is concise, user friendly for mobile devices and easy to populate onto the site through elaborate use of jQuery templates.