Saturday , March 15 2025

3 Things That Are Keeping You From Making Money Online

You may have many reason to want to make money online. May be you are fed up with your 9 to 5 job, maybe you need some extra cash or may be you are in need of a way to work from home.

Usually everybody has a reason to make money online, but very few actually end up doing it, and this is something I cannot possibly understand because I will admit, it is hard, but then again any business you set out to start will be hard.

However, as much as making money online is truly a great challenge, it will ALWAYS be a lot less work and a lot less risk than starting a traditional business with a location, inventories and employees.

Also, an internet business has the actual potential to become your main source of income within 6 – 12 months, whereas a traditional business will probably leave you in debt and you will not see profits during the first year (that is if you ever do).

To me the traditional business model was always more frightening than the internet business approach (even before I knew anything about the internet), because the complications usually associated with starting a traditional business are almost endless, and that is why I personally admire those who dare going that way.

So why have you not taken a real shot at making money online?

Fear of the Unknown

When we approach the online business arena, must of us (and I include my self) have no idea as to how is it possible to make money online. At the most we know that there are some paid surveys out there, or that we can run an online store.

That sort of ignorance make us adopt a defensive position and therefore we think the best way to go is keeping a distance and doing nothing.


You have probably tried more than a couple of things and you have been scammed or you have not made a dime in profits. You are mad and you think that making money online is the turf of expert marketers and gurus.

So basically you have decided to quit looking for ways to make money online in order to avoid more pain and failures.


Maybe you have gone a little bit further and you have made a couple of hundred dollars in profits, but hey, it has been three months now and only a few bucks?

No way, you cannot stand such an insignificant outcome after that much work. That leads you to the conclusion that this is a waste of time and you quit.

Well, if any of this sounds familiar do not worry, you can get rid of all that and start over. Indeed, if you have felt fear of the unknown, all you have to do to conquer that fear is seek for knowledge.

Once you open your eyes to the online business world, you will see that it was a lot easier than you had imagine, not meaning that you will succeed without your share of effort, but meaning that it will be easier to make it in this business than in any other. So first step: seek for true business tools and resources and stop looking for some passport to wealth that will leave you with nothing.

If you have felt pain, do not worry, your accomplishments will heal that sooner than you think, but in order for that to happen you cannot quit, you must start over, only this time look for realistic ways to make money online and commit to the idea of working hard to build your business. Your mistakes are the key to your strength, so do not regret them, learn from them.

And if you have felt impatience or desperation, you must be aware that succeeding online takes time. Some people reach their goals sooner than others, but whatever the obstacles, keep going as if you were making $50,000 per month. If you set your mind to “success mode” (not matter if you have yet to see a profit) you will see how suddenly things start to shift in you favor and you will probably say “that was not so hard”.

Doing business online is no different than any other business, in the sense that you have to learn, work and be patient in order to see results. However, what makes an internet business stand out from the traditional business model, is that you can truly make a lot of money starting with little or none in your pocket.

Therefore, get rid of your fears and start on this journey with enthusiasm and confidence and you will see for yourself how much you can do from your computer.

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