Thursday , January 30 2025

How To Design A Search Engine Optimised Website

[custom_frame_center shadow=”on”]How To Design A Search Engine Optimised Website[/custom_frame_center]

Here are a few tips that will help you design your website for SEO:

More Text: Search engine spiders catalog words – not flash videos, images or other media. Therefore, make sure you have enough text in your web pages for search engines to index. If you’re going to use above-mentioned materials in your web pages, be sure to give them ALT tags (i.e. alternative text).

Relevant Keywords: The quantity of words is not enough; quality also matters. Thus, be sure to include relevant keywords in your web pages’ text. This way, your web pages will be indexed and filed under relevant keywords and people who are doing a search using such relevant keywords have a greater chance of finding your website. Be sure to use these keywords in the ALT tags mentioned above.

Internal Links or Site Map: The way your web pages are connected is important. Make sure that your pages are logically (and semantically) connected through your internal links. This makes it easier for search engines to index all of your web pages and using the right keywords. Moreover, be sure there are no broken links in your site.

Back Links: The links that point toward your site is also important – especially if they come from websites which are indexed under keywords which are relevant to yours (i.e. semantically related to the keywords you’ve used in your site). The higher the rank (importance) of the web pages linking to your web pages, moreover, the bigger weight your pages gain for SEO.

Anchor Texts: In relation to the above, it would be better if links pointing towards your site are actually anchor texts. An anchor text like “tank tops” that points towards your online apparel store is more important than a link that says “”

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