Friday , March 28 2025

Pay-Per-Click Advertising Will Payoff

[custom_frame_center shadow=”on”]Pay-Per-Click Advertising Will Payoff[/custom_frame_center]

Profitability with Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising comes down to how well you have chosen your keywords. Choose too generic a term and you get unnecessary traffic. Choose too specific a term and you’ll miss out on traffic your competitors will get. You are still better to go one step deeper and find keywords more specific to your niche market – and as you will notice, the cost per click becomes much more reasonable which means your return on investment for PPC advertising becomes much greater. So, that’s all great information, but how do you find those reasonable keywords and phrases that will bring traffic to your business? This is where you will become a detective.

TIP 1: Use Keyword Suggestion Tools

There are various keyword suggestion tools that you can access on the internet to assist you in finding commonly searched terms – some even list combination that you may not have even thought of. Here are a few of them to try out.

Overture Search Term Suggestion Tool:

Google AdWords Suggestion Tool:

TIP 2: Test It

Keyword targeting is not an exact science. As with every other marketing technique, you need to test it. You can get a lot of traffic without hurting your budget, if you learn and use your keyword tools. A good start is Google AdWords and Overture, so my advice is to test using these PPC’s.

You should have narrowed your keywords down to a point where you are risking .05 cents to .80 cents per click rather than $2.00/click, so your exposure should be more in your defined niche. Finally, you need to watch both the short-term and longer term impact of PPC. Shorter term, you’ll notice traffic coming from PPC right away in your web logs – so you’ll get a sense of click-through rates, and eventually sales in 1-2 weeks.

Longer term though, being listed in the top 3 spots often provides you additional exposure through special marketing arrangements each PPC has made with specific search engines.

Weeks after your initial campaign you will often start to see a significant bump in search engine activity as the result of being in the top 3 of PPC’s.

For the vast majority of businesses who don’t have unlimited funds for marketing, stay away from following the broad keywords – try and focus on niche keywords. That’s how you can make Pay- Per-Click pay YOU.

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