Saturday , February 22 2025

Pay Per Click Search Engines

Pay Per Click Search Engines are search engines which charge advertisers per click, visitor clicks after searching for a particular word. Your site is listed on the top of the search engine based on the cost of an advertisement you bid. An innovative & unique way to do a web promotion, Pay Per Click search engine is win-win solution for all, for search engines as they earn money, for visitor or consumer as he finds relevant listing and an advertiser as he gets qualified traffic. This kind of model is getting popularity because consumers will find relevant listings as advertiser is paying per click & he doesn’t want to pay for a visitor who is not interested in his product or services.

How does it work?

It’s quite simple, what you require is little time & thinking. For writing this article I have considered pioneer & most popular pay per click search engine – overture.

Sign up with them for minimum US$50. Each account has a $20 minimum monthly spend. There is a minimum bid requirement of $0.05 per click-through. Once you sign up, take a pen & pencil, read tips & tricks & requirement for listing given by overture expert. Prepare listing for your web site. Their checking process is manual, each & every listing submitted by advertisers is approved by overture editor, they want quality listing & they are very strict on selecting listings. Here are few restrictions on number of words for keywords, title & description. They take five days for approval of listing.

If youre in the top 10 at Overture, your link appears when someone searches using Dogpile meta search engine. If youre in the top six, youll also appear in Metacrawler searches. Thus you are maintaining your account with only one search engine, in turn it has a partnership & thus you are always on top on top most search engines.

Does it really bring traffic?

Search engines are treated as first source of information for buyer of product & services. The person looking out for information or product & services first try to find out the source by requesting keyword with the search engine & he always admires a search engine which displays quality search results for their keywords.

The overture does not accept each & every listing advertiser submits as discussed earlier their approval system is manual & editors approve each & every listing submitted by advertiser with certain check parameters like the link should take visitors directly on the page where the information mentioned in title & description is published.

An advertiser himself will not add keywords not related to his kind of business, as he is paying per click to the search engine.

Overture has tie up with all popular search engines & top ranked keywords also appears on all of the popular search engines as sponsored links or on top, which brings more traffic.

All points discussed above ensures quality & brings more relevant traffic to advertiser’s site.

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