Thursday , January 30 2025

Strategic Advantages of Web Based Applications

[custom_frame_center]Strategic Advantages of Web Based Applications[/custom_frame_center]

Today’s websites are not just static pages but interactive tools that enhance your business, the World Wide Web (www) has changed how today’s businesses communicate. WWW is not only used to get and disseminate information but now is also employed as a tool for performance. Today’s websites are not just static pages but interactive tools that enhance your business capabilities in real time. These responsive sites are powered by the web-applications that are capable of responding and interacting with the user and allow skimming the information that is relevant and is up to date. To be more precise, a web-application is the one that uses a website as a front end and you can access this website viz application from any computer connected to the Internet. The application is delivered to users from a web server.

The most common web application you must be using almost everyday is an e-mail like hotmail, yahoo etc. Other web-application that are used frequently to interact with clients, partners and other businesses are:

  • Customer Relationship Management
  • End-to-End Web Based Recruitment
  • Online Customer Support Software
  • Online Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting
  • Online Quote Software
  • Online Product Database Development
  • Online Ordering Systems
  • Personalization of Web Page Content
  • Sms Messaging Integration
  • Secure Client Areas
  • Secure Areas To Allow Collaboration with Business Partners
  • Web Content Management Systems
  • Strategic Advantages of A Web Based Application

Web-based applications are all about convenience and getting the combined power of desktop and server applications with the accessibility of 24 hrs, anywhere and anytime. Let’s see how they become the most strategic business tools:

No Installation and Maintenance of the Software:
These web applications run on a web server, which you can access through the Internet. You don’t have the hassles of installing and configuring a program. So, one does not need to worry about the maintenance and troubleshooting or on heavy backups on the disk space.

Cost Effective:
Since you are running the program from someone else’s computer and no license and space management on your disk is required, so save heavily.

Latest Updates Available:
Since someone else is hosting the program and maintaining it remotely for you, whenever there are latest updates you just need to click on your web browser as usual and avail the latest features of a web application.

Readily Available Data:
To access your data you just need to be connected to the Internet through your PC, which is no more a novelty. So, wherever you are, you can get connected your data anytime. So the accessibility to your data is 24×7.

Multiple Platforms:
Almost all the web application are suitable for every web browser like Internet Explorer, Netscape etc or whichever operating system you have on your PC. The web application will always look and function uniformly.

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