Thursday , January 30 2025

Tips To Web Positioning

[custom_frame_left shadow=”on”]Tips To Web Positioning[/custom_frame_left]Read carefully following points to get better web positioning.

  • Do not use the same word in your meta tags more than three times. Remember most engines are case sensitive, so you can use that to your advantage. Webmaster and webmaster are not the same thing.

  • Try to put keywords in your body tag as close to the top of the page as possible, you also want to place them as close to each other as possible too.

  • Try to use as many keywords in your links as possible.

  • Backup your keywords that are in your meta tags, by placing the same words in your body tag. Never place a keyword just in the meta tag. In fact, some engines will not even consider a word keyword if it is not in both your meta tags and your body tags.

  • Try to come up with some unusual keyword, that not too many other webmasters have thought of. But make sure it is still specific and still relates to the topic of your site.

  • Put keywords in your Alt tags.

  • Having links to other sites on your page can boost your ranking.

  • Do not submit the same page more than once in a day to each major engine, you could get kicked out for good.

  • A doorway page is a good idea to rank higher in the search engines. You can make it “search engine friendly”.

  • Never have text the same color as the page background or table background. Thats a really big no,no and it could get you kicked out of the engine for good and is considered spamming. I used to think this was a good idea until I actually did get kicked out of a search engine.

  • Update some of your pages at least every 30 days because some search engines will rank you higher for doing that.

  • Some search engines base your ranking on how many clicks your site gets from their engine or how many times you come up in their search results, so the more clicks or exposures your site gets the higher you can rank.

  • A lot of Search Engines don’t like it when pages meta refresh really fast and might rank you lower for that.

  • Use keywords in your title, meta description, meta keywords, and body tags.

  • I suggest only using 5 of the same keyword in the body tag, if you use more than that you are risking getting kicked out of the engine for spamming.

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