With the advent of inventions and inventions taking place in an unexpectedly fast way in the I.T. scenario of today, there is a mad rush to catch up with the latest to earn laurels as pioneers in various fields of the I.T. One such newest of the new venture is ‘retina display’.
The term “retina display” is a hardware term coined by Apple in June, 2010. The future of displays for mobile devices, laptops and desktop computers rests on ‘retina.’
Retina Display- Definition
Retina display ensures a screen with density of pixels being so high that the individual pixels are rendered negligible to our eye’s retina. It conducts a display of over 300 dpi of resolutions, thus saving a lot of space coverage. On retina display, texts and images are very legible and look like prints.
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[/custom_frame_left]Digital Empowerment
It is an era of I.T. wherein there is no short cut to digital empowerment. And to ensure this empowerment, we have to develop our web sites that are befitting enough to compete on each and every device; for that there is need to use high resolution images and graphics. And this dire need is fulfilled once all the devices are retina optimized.
Scope of Growth of Retina Display
Some important examples of devices with retina displays are tablets, Smartphone’s, and even non-Apple notebooks. More and more are being added every day. Soon desktop computers will also be available with retina displays
iPhone 4 first got introduced in the market with retina display in 2010; tablet and 3rd generation iPad were the used retina display in 2012. It is difficult to keep track of how many more devices are on the way.
Importance of having a Retina-Ready Website
On a retina-ready website, the results are crystal clear. When viewed on non-retina optimized device, the graphics look shabby and at times even strenuous to eyes. The results on non-retina optimized device are at times even disgusting and damaging vis-à-vis important graphics. It is therefore important to have a retina-ready Website.
No doubt that as on date making a retina-ready website is not fairly cheaper, but with the passage of time, this technology, like any other technology, will be cheaper and cheaper, and in any case all of us have the retina devices with us anyway and they could be put to nicer use, to help save monetarily. To become pioneer in the field of owning retina-optimized website, we recommend spending a bit today as a good investment for the immediate future, which is at times sane enough to enhance your ROI. And then, we at WebSolvant are always there to offer our cost-effective services without compromising on quality.